Thursday, March 13, 2014

Art Appreciation!

Mrs. Short joined our class on Friday March 7 for Art Appreciation!

Here is the painting she brought.  It was from Japan and had poems written on the tiny strips on paper!

We wrote our own poem as a is our class visualizing what to write in our poem about Spring!

Here is our final poem about Spring!

Thank you Mrs. Short!


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

120th Day of School!

I can count to 120, starting at any number.

Today we celebrated all of our hard work this year on counting to 120 by celebrating the 120th Day of School!

Some students dressed at though they were 120 Years old!  Love it!

We are 120 Days Smarter!

Here we are "acting" 120 years old.  :)

Check out our 120 Cup Structures!
Groups worked together during our hands on math groups to create these.

Happy 120 Day!


Celebrate Dr. Seuss with Us!

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
