Friday, May 15, 2015


We are finishing up the year in math by studying Geometry.  We have been learning about different shapes and their attributes.  We have also been learning about why some shapes are called "Polygons" and some are not.

Today at school we learned a little more about polygons with these two videos.
We then constructed our own polygons with straws and twist ties.

Check out your Seesaw account to see the polygons that your student made!


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A Poem Is...

Today we discussed what a poem is....
How do poems and poetry make us feel?

We discussed that poetry is more than just a short story that rhymes!

We wrote our own poems about the colors of the rainbow to tell what the colors make us think of and how they make us feel.

We love these "A Poem Is..." videos that help us to visualize poetry!  

A Mother's Song

April Rain Song


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Feeling blessed...

Feeling so blessed during Teacher Appreciation Week!  
Thank you!
