Our school was working VERY hard on their hallway behavior and following expectations. If the school earned 300 ORANGE CLAWS we earned a Minute to Win It assembly.....we did it!
On Friday, April 10 we had our assembly! We divided our school up into three teams, the Yellow Team, Red team and Blue team. 1V was on the red team. In the end we took home the most points for the assembly games! We had fun cheering on all the teams and events!
Counting up Henry's mashmallows...
Henry was the representative for our class to play the Marshmallow Bounce Game.
He did awesome and was the winner for the event with 25 marshmallows bounced into the bin!Way to go Henry!
Below are more pictures from today's event and other grade level Minute to Win It Games.
Kindergarten Elephant Noses
Second Grade Junk in the Trunk
3rd Grade Pop can Towers-starting with one can and building to 5 on the top layer!
4th Grade-Keep two balloons in the air for 1 Minute!
5th Grade- Hang all five hangers without them sliding in less than one minute! They all completed their task in less than 15 seconds!
The teachers even got in on the fun! Mr. Guth
Mrs. Palombella is cup stacking!
Cheering on our team!