Wednesday, April 23, 2014

End of the Day Jar...Question of the Day!

End of the Day Jar...Question of the Day!
April 23, 2014

What did you do that was kind today?

First grader responses:
Isabel:  "I let Rachel go in front of my to get All By Myself work."

Lily: "I let some else play with me at recess."

Grayden: "I shared by banana bread with my brother, cause I LOVE banana bread!"

Emma: "I let someone else go first to read."

Aiden: "I help my team at recess playing soccer."

Keegan: "I let a friend sit my me at lunch."

Rachel: "I let Lily go in front of me for Writer's Workshop."

Avery: "I helped Katelyn get out the lunch cart because it was bunched in."

Regina: "I used kind words with Mrs. Strasser."

Gavin R. "I  passed to someone and Jake scored."

Katelyn: "When Carly's flip flop came off, I said Are you OK?"

Gavin B.: "I helped Aiden's team in soccer."

You have very thoughtful students!

Stay tuned for more!


A Peek Into Our Classroom...

A Peek Into Our Classroom...
Literacy Stations!
Our class has come so far with Literacy Stations this year!  They are trying so many new and different things and they are getting to practice so many great literacy skills!

Here is a peek at a few...

Teacher Time..sorting er, ur and ir words

Vowel Sorts-practicing our long vowel teams

Shopping for Syllables!
The students LOVED this station!
They sorted the food into bags labeled "One Syllable", "Two Syllables", and "Three Syllables"

Fluency Station
Students record themselves reading a  poem or a book using the Quickvoice App and then are able to listen to themselves read!  Then they rate their reading based on the four factors that affect fluency: Rate, Expression, Punctuation, and  Accuracy.  Last, they choose one of the factors they think they need more work on.

Read to Someone...always a favorite station.

Read to Self...building reading stamina!

Writing About Reading
This week, the students chose a farm animal they they would like to learn more about.  They chose a nonfiction book about that animal and read it.  Then they went back into the text and wrote down three details about that animal....beginning research!
