Thursday, September 26, 2013

Butterfly Release!

On Thursday afternoon we released on Painted Lady Butterflies outside of our school.  It was so excited to see them fly off into their natural environment, although many of us were very sad to see them go!

Check out some of our pictures!

That's our butterfly cage in the middle.  

 Some of them needed a little assistance to leave the cage...the kids were more than willing to help!

The butterflies were so excited to be in the sunshine!  The were flying around and around in the cage!


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

We Have Adult Butterflies!

We have Adult Painted Lady Butterflies!  When we arrived at school on Monday, more than have of our larvae had came our of their pupae!  Now they are all out of their chrysalises!  We made a sugar water flower for them to eat and put some plants and flowers in their butterfly cage so they could have a more natural habitat.  We will let them go outside soon!

Check out this cool video of a Painted Lady Butterfly going through it's whole life cycle!


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Peck Farm park Butterfly House Field Trip

We had a WONDERFUL field trip to Peck Farm on Wednesday!  Check out the pictures from the Butterfly House, Silo, and Insect Hike.

We took our iPads with us on our Insect Hike to document what insects we found!

 Class Picture!

 Singing our Insect Body Parts song!

What a wonderful day at Peck farm park Butterfly House Learning about insects!!  

(If you want to save any of the pictures, Right Click on them and click * Save As.)

Have a FANTASTIC weekend everyone!
